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20156月毕业于中科院广州地球化学研究所,同年入职于开云(中国)Kaiyun官方网站。20229月至20236月在北京大学进行访学。主要从事大气气溶胶和土壤溶解性有机物来源、迁移、转化及环境效应等方面研究。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金、安徽省自然科学基金面上项目等科研项目10项。在Atmospheric Chemistry and PhysicsAtmospheric EnvironmentChemosphere、环境科学、中国环境科学等学术期刊发表论文20余篇。现担任Atmospheric ResearchEnvironmental ResearchJournal of Environmental Sciences、环境科学等期刊审稿专家。以第一发明人授权发明专利2件,授权实用新型专利4件。






1. 双万计划背景下地方高校环境类专业实践教学改革,2021.01-2022.122020jyxm1754,省级一般,主持;

2. 环境科学与工程系示范基层教学组织,2021.01-2022.12,省级一般,主持;

3. 环境类专业评估协同 OBE 理念的《环境监测》教学改革与探索,2019.12-2021.12X2019029,校级重点,主持。



















1. Fan Xingjun*, Liu Chao, Yu Xufang, Wang Yan, Song Jianzhong*, Xiao Xin, Meng Fande, Cai Yongbing, Ji Wenchao, Xie Yue, Peng Pingan. Insight into binding characteristics of copper(II) with water-soluble organic matter emitted from biomass burning at various pH values using EEM-PARAFAC and two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy analysis. Chemosphere, 2021, 278, 130439.

2. Fan Xingjun*, Cai Feng, Xu Cuncun, Yu Xufang, Wang Yan, Xiao Xin, Ji Wenchao, Cao Tao, Song Jianzhong*, Peng Pingan. Molecular weight-dependent abundance, absorption, and fluorescence characteristics of water-soluble organic matter in atmospheric aerosols. Atmospheric Environment, 2021, 247, 118159.

3. Fan Xingjun**, Cao Tao, Yu Xufang, Wang Yan, Xiao Xin, Li Feiyue, Xie Yue, Ji Wenchao, Song Jianzhong*, Peng Ping’an. The evolutionary behavior of chromophoric brown carbon during ozone aging of fine particles from biomass burning. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2020, 20, 4593-4605.

4. Fan Xingjun, Yu Xufang, Wang Yan, Xiao Xin, Li Feiyue, Xie Yue, Wei Siye, Song Jiangzhong*, Peng Pingan. The aging behaviors of chromophoric biomass burning brown carbon during dark aqueous hydroxyl radical oxidation processes in laboratory studies. Atmospheric Environment, 2019, 205, 9-18.

5. Fan Xingjun, Cao Tao, Cheng Chongchong, Li Feiyue, Xie Yue, Wei Siye, Song Jianzhong*, Peng Pingan. Optical properties and oxidative potential of water- and alkaline-soluble brown carbon in smoke particles emitted from laboratory simulated biomass burning. Atmospheric Environment, 2018, 194, 48-57.

6. Fan Xingjun, Wei Siye, Zhu Mengbo, Song Jianzhong*, Peng Pingan. Molecular characterization of primary humic-like substances in fine smoke particles by thermochemolysis–gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. Atmospheric Environment, 2018, 180, 1-10.

7. Fan Xingjun, Wei Siye, Zhu Mengbo, Song Jianzhong*, Peng Pingan. Comprehensive characterization of humic-like substances in smoke PM2.5 emitted from the combustion of biomass materials and fossil fuels. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2016, 16, (20), 13321-13340.

8. Fan Xingjun, Song Jianzhong*, Peng Pingan. Temporal variations of the abundance and optical properties of water soluble Humic-Like Substances (HULIS) in PM2.5 at Guangzhou, China. Atmospheric Research, 2016, 172-173, 8-15.

9. Fan Xingjun, Song Jianzhong*, Peng Pingan. Comparative study for separation of atmospheric humic-like substance (HULIS) by ENVI-18, HLB, XAD-8 and DEAE sorbents: elemental composition, FT-IR, 1H NMR and off-line thermochemolysis with tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH). Chemosphere, 2013, 93, 1710-1719.

10. Fan Xingjun, Song Jianzhong*, Peng Pingan. Comparison of isolation and quantification methods to measure humic-like substances (HULIS) in atmospheric particles. Atmospheric Environment, 2012, 60, 366-374.

11. Yu X., Cheng A., Chen D., Li, T. Fan X.*, Wang X., Ji W., Wang J., Ren L. Insight into the evolution characteristics on molecular weight of compost dissolved organic matters using high-performance size exclusion chromatography combined with a two-dimensional correlation analysis, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022.

12. 范行军, 操涛, 余旭芳, 宋建中*, 王艳, 肖新, 谢越, 李飞跃. 薪柴燃烧溶解性棕色碳排放特征及光学性质, 中国环境科学, 2019, 39, 3215-3224.

13. 范行军, 余旭芳, 操涛, 王艳, 肖新, 谢越, 李飞跃, 宋建中*, 彭平安. 广州冬季气溶胶中水溶性有机物和类腐殖质的吸光性和荧光光谱特性. 环境科学, 2019, 40(2), 532-539.

14. 操涛,宋建中,范行军*.生物质燃烧源类腐殖质的臭氧老化特征[J].中国环境科学, 2022, 42(08): 3483-3491.

15. 韦思业, 范行程, 毛翰, 操涛, 程澳, 范行军*, 谢越. 生物炭溶解性有机质中不同分子量组分的分布及光谱特性. 光谱学与光谱分析, 2022, 42(06): 1809-1815.

16. 余旭芳, 周俊, 任兰天, 王艳, 范行军*, 李孝良, 李飞跃, 王翔. 小麦秸秆堆肥水溶性有机物的结构和组成演变. 光谱学与光谱分析, 2021, 41(4): 1199-1204.

17. 程澳, 陈丹, 任兰天, 纪文超, 范行军*, 刘晓龙, 余旭芳. 蘑菇渣和稻秸堆肥中不同分子量水溶性有机物含量分布和光谱特征. 光谱学与光谱分析, 2022(录用).

18. 陈丹, 程澳, 余旭芳, 纪文超, 刘健健, 王翔, 刘晓龙, 范行军*. 不同类型堆肥中腐殖酸与富里酸的光谱特性和分子量分布. 生态与农村环境学报,2022(录用).

19. Li Meiju, Fan Xingjun, Zhu Mengbo, Zou Chunlin, Song Jianzhong*, Wei Siye, Jia Wanglu, PengPingan. Abundance and Light Absorption Properties of Brown Carbon Emitted from Residential Coal Combustion in China. Environmental Science & Technology, 2019, 53 (2), 595-603.

20. Song Jianzhong, Li Meiju, Fan Xingjun, Zou Chunlin, Zhu Mengbo, Jiang Bin, Yu Zhiqiang, Jia Wanglu, Liao Yuhong, Peng Ping’an. Molecular Characterization of Water- and Methanol-Soluble Organic Compounds Emitted from Residential Coal Combustion Using Ultrahigh-Resolution Electrospray Ionization Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry. Environmental Science & Technology, 2019, 53, 13607-13617.

21. Wei Siye, Zhu Mengbo, Fan Xingjun, Song Jianzhong*, Peng Ping’an, Li Kaiming, Jia Wanglu, Song Haiyan. Influence of pyrolysis temperature and feedstock on carbon fractions of biochar produced from pyrolysis of rice straw, pine wood, pig manure and sewage sludge. Chemosphere, 2019, 218, 624-631.



1. 安徽省青年皖江人才,2021年;

2. 安徽省高校优秀青年,2022年;

3. 安徽省高校优秀人才,2021年;

4. 开云(中国)Kaiyun官方网站教学优秀奖,2018年;

5. 开云(中国)Kaiyun官方网站中青年骨干教师,2017年;

6. 一种棕色碳的提取和分离装置,发明专利,ZL201910373597.7

7. 大气臭氧老化模拟实验装置,发明专利,ZL201810633644.2

8. 一种基于FTIR分峰拟合分析的光谱仪用材料定位装置实用新型专利,ZL202121520621.4

9. 一种PM2.5在线监测装置,实用新型专利,ZL202020763392.8

10. 一种雾水采集装置,实用新型专利,ZL202020762749.0

11. 一种用于茶叶成分检测用取样装置,实用新型专利,ZL201821711152.2

12. 基于大气棕色碳环境模拟检测软件V1.0,软件著作权,2019SR0895538

13. 基于吸光性有机质数据分析管理系统V1.0,软件著作权,2019SR0895561

14. 农科院校环境科学专业三位一体、四年连动实践教学体系研究,校级教学成果二等奖,2019年,排名第三

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